Member Instructions

CED, site admin, 2011 photo
Charles E Dial, 2011, Copy Editor for The MWD Essays.


Documented Features

This website is a membership site where any authorized group member can access and read the stories. Initially, every authorized user will be a member of the same group. The site is best viewed on a tablet, laptop, or desktop device. Everything will work on a phone, but the smaller screen forces too much into too small a format. Moreover, when using a small format device, the software may re-arrange the page content in sometimes confusing ways.

The site lists posts by category, alphabetically by title, and has a text search facility that can search all posts and categories. The same post can reside in multiple categories when additional categories apply. The website is divided into categories, most of which are of primary interest either to the Dial family or Wertenberger family members. Access to content is restricted to the group members. This prevents web crawlers from making any private data public.

Logging In and Reading Posts

Before a member logs in, only abstracts of the posts will be visible. Please log in from the post you want to read, not from the login entry in the header hamburger menu. After login, a member has full read-only access to all the website’s posts.

A member cannot change his password, user name, or user profile because everyone in the reader membership group has the same collective username and password. This keeps a group member from wiping out access for all other group members by changing the group password or doing unauthorized edits to the content. As of now, there is only one collective membership group. In the future, there may be new membership groups with different and more limited access privileges should that be desirable.

A member can select either light mode or dark mode, whether logged in or not. Make the selection by toggling the mode icon in the lower right corner of the screen. Mode switching can often make the content easier to read. NOTE: if you set dark mode for this website when other dark mode software is active on your computer or laptop, the various dark mode software pieces may fight with each other.

Discussions and Comments

Readers who are logged in may post comments and initiate discussions. All members in the MWDfamily user group have the MWDfamily user name when posting, so please sign your comments in the comment text box so everyone will know who said what. Commenting capability is under development, but is available to all members.

Unintended Features (i.e. bugs)

NOTA BENE: You may encounter error messages caused by sloppy workmanship by this website’s hosting service. Errors such as “502 Bad Gateway,” “404 not found,” and other error messages should disappear after refreshing the page.

I had hoped to finish this website before now, but finding all the latent bugs in a WordPress website is like trying to find all the fleas on a cat.

Insane Asylum

It has been said that the people who love WordPress are the people who simply don’t know what they are doing. This is because they have no concept of the latent bugs and vulnerabilities sitting behind the cute and lovable developer interfaces that they work with. Virtually all WordPress security deficiencies can be dealt with when understood well enough to recognize their presence, but all too many WordPress “designers” are not up to this level of designing.

The simplest problems when using WordPress are sometimes nearly impossible to solve, often due to WordPress’s sloppy internal design. For instance, I spent many hours researching how to write one simple sentence before I could write it! Moreover, WordPress uses themes to control the appearance of a post. This is a great idea that could allow the author to change the appearance of a group of posts but is badly botched in its implementation.

Before Henry Ford produced his first car, he understood that standardized and interchangeable parts were critical to building cars that worked. Yet, over a century later WordPress cannot see the importance or relevance of standardized and interchangeable themes. Indeed, WordPress internals often look like the aftermath of a terrorist attack on a Salvation Army truck.

Transcribed N/A
Posted Dec 24, 2022 at 19:39.
Revised Jan 27, 2023 at 15:32. EDT.
Retrieved Dec 22, 2024 at 13:57.
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